Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fall Equinox

The Fall Equinox is approaching. It takes place this year on September 22nd, but I will be celebrating early. The night before the Full Moon. This will be our harvest ritual, and I am excited to celebrate the great Summer we had, and to prepare for the oncoming Winter.

I feel the urge to sit and watch the aspen leaves twittering on their branches ... the last twitters before they undergo the change and fall to the ground. I feel the need to braid the long pieces of grass that bravely grew where they weren't supposed to. There are hundreds of mushrooms growing now, and I feel that the fairies probably dance there at night. I ask my toddler not to step on them. Then again, if she feels the urge to do so, maybe there is something I'm not hearing. Something only a child could hear.

The end of the year approaches too, and I am excited to celebrate halloween. I feel so much more connected when I celebrate the Sabbats. I have always noticed that I behave certain ways at certain times throughout the year. This year, I am planning on harnessing my energy when it is up (like it is now) and drawing on that power when it is needed (in February).

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