Monday, October 29, 2012


It has been a very long time since I last posted ... the summer seemed to fly by with the kids out of school and the sun shining brightly.  The summer rejuvenated my soul, and now that the first snow has come, I have begun my internal work once again.

I have been following Laura Hollick's Soul Art Studio Blog for several years now, taking advantage of her many free questionnaires, quizzes and weekly updates.  But now, for the first time, I am taking one of her paid journeys ~ the 11-Day Iconic Embodiment Journey.  A huge part of this journey is about externally expressing oneself, and though I'm only on Day #3, I already feel that something is stirring up inside of me.

Today's assignment was to express myself through dance ... and then to share it with others.  I hope that my courageousness encourages you to put yourself out there as well.  Let us become liberated together, shedding the layers of self-consciousness, shame, fear of judgement ... I say - Who Cares What Anybody Else Thinks?!  I know I don't ...

Have a beautiful Halloween and the most amazing Witches New Year ...