I have been following Laura Hollick's Soul Art Studio Blog for several years now, taking advantage of her many free questionnaires, quizzes and weekly updates. But now, for the first time, I am taking one of her paid journeys ~ the 11-Day Iconic Embodiment Journey. A huge part of this journey is about externally expressing oneself, and though I'm only on Day #3, I already feel that something is stirring up inside of me.
Today's assignment was to express myself through dance ... and then to share it with others. I hope that my courageousness encourages you to put yourself out there as well. Let us become liberated together, shedding the layers of self-consciousness, shame, fear of judgement ... I say - Who Cares What Anybody Else Thinks?! I know I don't ...
Have a beautiful Halloween and the most amazing Witches New Year ...